PetVet El Cerrito
6000 Potrero Ave, El Cerrito, CA
Dog Dental Appointment: $150 (does not include vet exam)
Cat Dental Appointment: $125 (does not include vet exam)
This clinic has very specific scheduling requirements.
Please read details below carefully before scheduling.

1) Your pet must have a wellness exam done by a vet at PetVet before you schedule with us. Exams are $25. PetVet is a walk-in clinic, so this means you’ll need to wait in line to see the vet (please see here for useful tips to make this painless). You can do the exam at either the Oakland PetVet (Sundays and Mondays) or the El Cerrito PetVet (Fridays and Saturdays), however our dental services are only available in El Cerrito. The box for "dental check" must be marked on the exam sheet. Please make sure to tell the vet you need a dental screening.
2) After your pet's vet exam, return to this page, click on the "schedule now" button below, and upload the PetVet exam sheet on our scheduling site. Make sure the date at the bottom of the exam sheet is visible when you upload the sheet. (The exam sheet looks like this.)

Petvet is legally required to do a wellness exam before authorizing us to do a dental cleaning. A vaccine visit to PetVet does not suffice to fulfill CA Vet Board requirements, nor does an exam from another vet facility.
We do not allow people to reserve appointments before they have seen the vet. If you schedule an appointment without uploading a current exam sheet from Petvet, we will have to cancel it, so please don’t do that!